Friday, October 01, 2010

Rahm Emanuel Heads To Chicago – Progressives Flip As Rouse Named Staff Replacement

Progressives find more of the same, Rouse and Rahm, with Axelrod seated (Progressive hero)

Rahm Emanuelis due to leave the White House Today as Obama’s Chief of Staff, Pete Rouse has been named interim replacement. Emanuel will seek the office of Mayor of Chicago, a position left open with the current Mayor Daley’s retirement. Apparently, Emanuel’s style of management, which most observers would consider nothing short of brilliant, (considering he masterminded the Democrat resurgence in 2006, pandering to the press, while pushing what came to be known as “Blue Dog” (conservative) Democrats through to victory in normally Republican strongholds to take the majority back from Republicans in both chambers of the Congress.

Pete Rouse, a long-time mentor of President Obama, will be named interim Chief of Staff. Rouse, who served as Tom Daschle’s aid (Daschle, former Senate Majority Leader who lost his seat to Republican Jon Thune in in 2004) prior to moving onto Illinois to work for then Senator Obama. Rouse has a long history with the Democrats, when he began his political career in 1973 in the Congress as an aid, where he was known behind the scenes as the 101st Senator.

Meanwhile, over at the Daily Kos (Progressive hotbed blog), the rank and file are no happier with Rouse than they were with Rahm Emanuel. First, Emanuel has done nothing but irritate the Progressives intent on placing their personal brand of Socialism on the Democrat Party, going so far as to called Progressives about to take out attack ads on Democrats trying to save their jobs over Health Care Reform, “f-ing retarded”. Now, the problem with Rouse is that being excoriated by comments over at the Kos, complete with photos of Sergeant Shultz of the old Television Show, Hogan’s Heroes.

Some commenters are so concerned that they are hoping for the return of Emanuel should he not be successful in his run for Mayor of Chicago. However, as Rahm Emmanuel heads towards a position for which is most aptly suited, and it appears the mid-term elections, despite the best efforts of the Democrats and the blame game, will be less than stellar for the Democrats, there has to be someone at the White House to help and, at least appear to regroup.

To get the media take and profile on Pete Rouse, check out the piece on the Washington Post Blog, by Ezra Klein. who opines that there will be little change to the administration with the Rouse in the house.

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