Tuesday, October 05, 2010

Nancy Pelosi Dodges Opposition Debate again - Not in District enough to Debate 2010 Opponent John Dennis!

Local Press nationwide remains virtually silent on Congressional democrats facing competition.

From the Hill Blog: A chance meeting between Republican 2010 Congressional Challenger, John Dennis, and Deeply entrenched and controversial Democrat, Speaker of the House, Nancy Pelosi, resulted in two things: one Ms. Pelosi continues to avoid debating anyone who challengers her, and secondly a photo taken in the DC pub (here), in which the chance meeting took place.

John Dennis has a Libertarian Streak which appeals to voters that are disenchanted with Pelosi and although Dennis is getting some press where it counts (in the 8th district), it is the Speakers refusal to meet with any challenger in a debate format that is most telling.
Back in 2008, the speaker refused to debate any of her opponents, which included anti-war activist, Cindy Sheehan - Pelosi did consent to do a 30 minute interview locally, which, of course, featured only Pelosi.

One would think Ms. Pelosi’s remark to Mr. Dennis conceding that she was never in the district to debate (the latest excuse in this election), would be fodder for the home press to at the least ask why Pelosi, who specifically voted to recess Congress in order for the troops (Democrats in danger) go to their home districts and duke it out with the Republican Opposition. Think again – the press is silent 4 days hence and the news is no longer delivered via Pony Express. Dennis, who pundits have already consigned to an “uphill battle” status in his campaign to unseat Pelosi, is in better shape than Pelosi would care to admit.

In reviewing the returns from 2008, Pelosi, indeed won by a large margin, but, Ms. Sheehan did take 16.2% of the vote, Republican Dana Wash took 9%, and a Libertarian candidate 2% Therefore, the race, although considered by any measure a landslide – did indicate that there was trouble with the Pelosi base – those voters who traditional go left of left for candidates. What happens if a more credible opposition candidate comes forth? Ms. Pelosi will find out when voters go to the polls to choose between herself and John Dennis.

Ms. Pelosi’s refusal to debate candidates, and the virtual blackout by local news, leaves the opposition no option but to knock on doors, and chip away at those constituents that Pelosi relies on: Those that have been looking for a credible alternative to Pelosi. In San Francisco County, otherwise known as the 8th District, credibility is based on more one’s ability to be anti-war (John Dennis, check!) and gay-friendly (John Dennis, check!). In addition, Dennis has the business background, and the Libertarian streak that attracts the variety of demographics that make up the District. It is no wonder Pelosi is avoiding a debate with Dennis like the plague, and it was by design that she did not debate Ms. Sheehan, much for the same reason. Debates may not be the Speakers best arena, and a public display of the talent of Ms. Pelosi, would in any event, prove to be a tactical error on her part. Dennis can hold his own, and that is, of itself, a threat to Pelosi. That said, Ms. Pelosi’s refusal to debate, year after year, due to her busy schedule outside of the district, speaks volumes – and that message is being delivered to the voters via the Dennis Camp.

News on challengers to deeply entrenched Democrats is often difficult to find, no more so apparent, in the other left coast: Massachusetts, where news organizations are studiously avoiding mentioning the fact that any election may be taking place. For example in the Mass. 2nd district, one cannot find much information on career politician, Richard Neal (D), and his opponent, Tom Wesley, but one has to give Neal credit, at least he has agreed to one debate. Try this test: no matter what district one votes in, Google the news for opposition candidates to your congressional representative and see – no results!

By denying the fact that Democrats face opposition this year, in any given district, including the California 8th, the plan appears to be to stick ones head in the sand, and hope with the help of the local press, that November slips away unnoticed. Think again, Ms. Pelosi and any incumbent that is running for reelection in 2010 – the press now has an approval ranking (Gallup) about as dismal as your own – the people are aware that, yes indeed, you and your Congressional Delegation are up for reelection.


  1. I support Nancy Pelosi and the Democrats.
    The Dems have gotten us out of economic messes before, and they will do so this time.
    Remember that it was the Republican Party that put us in this mess in the first place.
    The GOP sat there while the economy was sinking like Bush sat in a chair reading an upside down book during 9/11.
    The Democrats are trying to fix things, but the fact is that it will take more than two years to get us back on track.
    The Republicans point fingers and say the Dems are doing nothing or not enough, but they will not admit that this depression/recession is their fault.
    The corrupt Republicans stole, lied, laughed and got rich while America suffered.
    Now they want to get back in power.
    NO WAY!
    We will not forget the Bush years and the GOP buddy system.
    Think when you vote and don't panic like the Republicans want you to do.
    Continue taking this country back from them.
    Your freedom and future are on the line.
    Vote Democrat.
    I am,

    George Vreeland Hill

  2. Hi George,

    Thanks for stopping in – We will have to agree to disagree – unfortunately the premise that the Republicans are to blame does not hold water, the Democrats actually have had 4 years of control of the nations purse strings, therefore, having control of Congress and the Senate drives the nations purse strings – what you are saying is that 4 years are not enough – whereas, other, myself included, might feel differently. Civics: the President cannot do much without the backing of Congress – they cannot, for example go to war or increase or decrease taxes – they are, however, seen as the head of their political party, which can be a positive or a negative depending upon circumstances. In addition, I will agree, that Congress, for the time the Republicans gained control with a very slim majority, for 6 years, spent hand over fist – some of which was necessary (for example disaster relief: the attack on our nation, September 11th, 2001, the Tsunami in Thailand, the Hurricanes, (specifically Katrina) the increase in AIDs funding nationally and worldwide under Bush and yes, pork), however, to lay the blame for the current economic situation at the footstep of the Republican’s is ludicrous. In fact, when one looks at who got “Rich” under during the last four years, one finds fewer Republicans than Democrats in that heading. From Wall Street and banking to every conceivable industry – lobbyist have worked hand in hand with both parties, but no less and possibly more under the control of the Democrats. George, one has not only take a look at Wall Street, (love to loath), to understand that trends historically prove that when it appears that a Democrat is about to take over, the numbers drop, and when it appears that the more business friendly Republicans are about to take control, the numbers rise – what difference that makes to millions of individuals, not the wealthy, who invest in pension plans (specifically unions) is enormous – pensions are driven by Wall Street, so are jobs, as businesses create jobs. (continued)

  3. Simple economics, the government cannot sustain a workforce without taxes as the government has only one source of income. Should that source of income become depleted, there will be no handouts – which is where this nation is headed - therefore, when casting blame, it does go to both parties for spending like “drunken sailors” however, as to spending, and deficits, one has to be realistic. One party has certainly created larger entitlement programs and has spent more of the nation’s future capital, without thought or heed to how it might be paid for, except for the inevitable taxation of the “rich” – who, when one considers the ultra wealthy, already pay the majority of the taxes. It is the dogma of the left that is constantly invested in the utopian ideals of socialism and communism, and the simple fact is that neither form of government works – (unless of course, one has a country the size of say Austria, with tight controls on immigration, and yes, a divide between the elites (those who have) and the masses (the rest of the population). It is what is it, personally, I would prefer the ability to sink or swim on my own, rather than to rely upon normal individuals (the people who make up our government); to run every facet of the country –which is why, term limits are a wonderful idea. The solution lays in the ability of Congress and the Executive branch to be balanced –which will only occur when one party has control of one office, and the other office is held by either an independent (someone with no ties to either party) or someone from the opposing party. That said, every President, from Washington forward, has had a job that no one, unless truly dedicated, would want, and normally driven by personality rather than actual competence (although Governors, generally have the experience in management that is not present in the Senate or Congress), and unfortunately, when one tries ones best (and I have no doubt that each one has), and the end result is a disaster (which one need only look around), then it is time for nation to change course by electing a new Congress, a new Senate and a new President. It’s just the way of it George.


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