Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Sean Beilat (R-MA) Former Democrat Set to Savage Barney Frank (D-MA) in November General

Sean Bielatpulled off a rather large GOP primary victory last night, and has set his sites on one of Massachusetts more interesting and reviled politician, Congressman Barney Frank. Frank, who won the Democrat Party Primary, besting political newcomer Rachael Brown, will now, for the first time in decades (this is a resounding them in regards to Massachusetts Congressional Races) face one Sean Bielat – The man who will retire Barney Frank this November 2010.

Understanding the aforementioned reads like a tired political slogan, one must understand that the reality of the district, (high unemployment key), and the quality of the opposition candidate (One Mr. Shawn Bielat), makes the slogan more of a reality based statement. From an early age, Mr. Bielat was invested in a family of military background, and politically the family leaned Democrat. The key here is that they were a family of New York Democrats, or what is otherwise known in Massachusetts as Republicans. In addition, Mr. Bielat is already familiar with Congress, as he was a page for, you guessed it, Democrats. Mr. Bielat has a stellar business record, an education to match which makes this bright young, active duty Marine, the perfect match for the current curmudgeon who holds sway over the district and the nation’s finances.

Admittedly, at first, when hearing Mr. Bielat switched to the Republican Party in 2007, the reaction from this blog was one of pure anger and frustration. Both emotions driven by a political motivation to remove Barney Frank from office, no matter how small a contribution one may make towards that endeavor, and here, Mr. Bielat had the most perfect background in order to do achieve that goal, only he neglected to use it to his best advantage, in this humble opinion. Had Mr. Bielat announced his former affiliation and his desire to be a change agent, by not only leaving the Democrat Party, but in addition running against one of the most powerful Democrats in Congress (which, needless to say – is not particularly well liked by conservatives, or those who lean conservative) – he would have been miles ahead of Frank in his quest, pre-primary.

That said, never say never and apparently too little too late does not apply. That is not to say it will be a “walk in the park” for Mr. Bielat, but it will be easier for Mr. Bielat to take back the 4th Congressional District seat for the people, than any other district race in the Commonwealth. To learn more about Sean Bielat, and specifically to donate, donate, donate go to: Sean Send a message to the Beltway (and the media) – the 4th District is far from “Safe Democrat”.

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