Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Sarah Palin Mainstreams in 2012 Potential run should it be against Obama

A Rasmussen Reports Survey released yesterdayindicated that more American’s feel Sarah Palin’s views are closer to their own than those of President Obama. This by a wide margin of 52% (Palin) to 40% (Obama), which indicates that in a potential 2012 presidential competition, Palin is being seen by most voters (specifically the Unenrolled) more self-identified than Barak Obama.

The liberal UK newspaper The Independent outlined the scenario where Palin would become Madam President, with the conclusion: “It could happen”.

One thing one reading the UK and other Euro newspapers quickly understands is that they appear to be a step ahead on reporting the obvious, while the U.S. papers decline to print similar stories (be it pro-Palin or anti-Obama). As Ms. Palin is often compared to former Prime Minister Maggie Thatcher, it is probable that the UK has more insight into hiring a strong woman (conservative) as Prime Minister.

It is a matter of confidence, and power, and currently, the former Governor of Alaska, wields power over the Republicans Party, one the one hand endorsing the candidates she chooses to endorse, while teh RNC is busy sending out fundraising mailers under Palin’s name. The aforementioned, is an achievement that few women have reached in American Politics (none in recent memory) – she is also a strong supporter of the Tea Party Movement, where the demographics are mainly women, who vote as independents.

Although speculation on 2012 is not advisable prior to a mid-term (although immediately following) – no one, at this point, knows if Palin will, indeed, decide to run. However, it would set up the potential match-up of historic proportions. Should Obama be bested in a primary by Hillary Clinton, the historical first would be a choice of two strong women for President. Of course, on the part of any woman, that may be considered wishful thinking, yet, certain events, set in motion, may make such a match up probable in 2012.

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