Friday, September 24, 2010

Massachusetts Hampden 2nd District 2010 Election Update - Richard Neal (D-MA) Agrees to 1 of 5 Requested Debates With Opponent Tom Wesley (R)

Richard Neal (D) with Obama, Neal is up for Relection this November - photo Life Magazine

WGBY TV, Springfield MA is said to be hosting one debate between incumbent Democrat Congressman Richard Neal and his Republican challenger, Tom Wesley, on October 15th, at 7:30 PM. Neal, who is up for re-election this November, has run unopposed for the majority of his “career”, which began in 1988. Neal last faced opposition 12 years ago. Prior to being the Hampden 2nd Congressional Representative, Neal was the Mayor of Springfield, MA; in Congress he sits on the House Ways and Means Committee, which essentially is in charge of raising money for the Federal government, in other words, the arm of the Congress that is in charge of taxes. The former chair of the Committee was New York Democrat Charles Rangel, who left the Committee when charged with ethics violations. The current acting Chair is Sander Levin (D-MI). Richard Neal is said to be actively seeking the Chair of this Committee, should the Democrats retain control of Congress, in 2010.

Tom Wesley 2010 Republican Challenger to Richard Neal(D-MA),photo CNN

A recent press release from the Wesley Campaign noted that Congressman Neal had been asked to take part in five “town-hall” style debates. Mr. Wesley, a former veteran (profiled here on CNN) has an extensive background in international business, having worked for both Fortune 500 companies as well as owning his own businesses. Mr. Wesley had this to say on the Town Hall Style Debate:

“I can’t think of a better forum than a town hall debate. Not only will the voters hear from the candidates, but they will have the opportunity to engage in a conversation with each as well.”

To date, Congressman Neal has agreed to the one debate on WGBY Public Television. The last town-hall style meeting to which Rep. Neal agreed was a co-meeting with third district’s Representative, James McGovern on the proposed Health Care Legislation. According to the article in the Telegram Gazette, both Neal and McGovern, who supported the Obama’s Health Care Plan, we’re met with “boos” from the audience. During August of 2009, this was the only Town Hall held by Neal and there were no meetings offered in other areas of the district.

The experience of meeting with angry constituents may be why Congressmen Neal is shy about Town Hall Style debates. Although unlikely, it would be a boon to his constituents if he were to agree to at least two of these types of debates, one in the Western and one in the Eastern Part of the district. As Mr. Wesley points out, it gives the constituents a chance to interact with their Representative and with the opposition candidate. Choosing a representative in Congress should, unlike some American’s now believe, involve more than picking a name from a phonebook. As the time is short between the primary and the election (approximately six weeks in Massachusetts), debates, televised and or town-hall style, allow the citizen to make an informed decision on which candidate they feel best represents the district.

The Hampden 2nd District of Massachusetts includes the cities of Springfield, Northampton and Chicopee in Western Massachusetts and runs to the Southern Suburbs of Worcester in Central Massachusetts.

Candidate websites:

Richard Neal: Richard

Or Neal for Congress

Tom Wesley Tom Wesley .com

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