Sunday, July 18, 2010

UK Article: Obama Cozies Up to Bill Clinton – Hillary More Viable as U.S. 2012 Presidential Candidate

Barack Obama - Making Friends with Clinton to Salvage the 2010 Elections - Photo: Telegraph UK

An article coming out of the United Kingdom via the Telegraph here, speaks to the developing relationship between Barack Obama and Bill Clinton – Clinton, who had been called into the White House last Wednesday to offer insight on job creation to Obama and company, now finds himself befriended by the President.

The UK article contends that as Obama’s optical fortunes sink (poll specific), Clinton, who, during the 2008 Presidential Primary was one of Obama’s most vocal critics in defense of his wife, Hillary, appears to be on brink of helping Obama turn the tide for the Democrats going into the 2010 general elections. Polling released by Fox News/Opinion Dynamics suggest that the President is a hindrance to those Congressional members trying to hold onto their seats. Apparently, sending Clinton, according to the poll, increases members chances of being elected. This particular poll follows on the hells of several special elections, in which, when Obama appeared to campaign for the Democrat candidate, the Republican pulled out handily. Cases in point: Virginal, Massachusetts and most notable: New Jersey. The trips by Obama to the Garden State to try to revive former Governor Corzines campaign produced one of the most notable forces in politics today, Republican Governor Chris Christie.

Therefore, when an offer to assist comes from President Obama, the only candidate, to day (known) that believed the President might help, was Harry Reid. Reid, whose campaign is on virtual life-support, might not have been the best choice for the President as far as odds are concerned. Conservative who might be taking odds on certain races, hope the President starts to campaign for Barney Frank in the 4th District of Massachusetts as well as Nancy Pelosi in the California 8th, thereby, giving their opposition a leg up (so to speak). By calling in Bill Clinton, and staying out of the political fray (see George Bush and the 2006 elections specifically), those who feel endangered would be better served by Clinton.

The article closes with an interesting summation:

“For among family loyalists, there is still the hope that if Mr. Obama looks like becoming a one-term liability, the party may yet ditch him for a more experienced candidate for the next presidential campaign – Hillary 2012”

One can assure the Telegraph that, aside from family loyalist, there are hordes of Democrats who would turn back the clock and do away with the Super Delegates allowing the woman who won the popular vote to have become the next President. (That might also extend to moderate Conservatives as well as independent voters.) The fact that they allude to Obama as a one-term president, is also consistent with historical data from the Carter period, considering similar tactics were used by both men, with similar outcomes.

Finally - what’s in a press photo? For the most part, Secretary of State, Hillary Clintons, press photographs are not always complementary (from a purely aesthetic point of view), however, in recent days, one finds photos of Ms. Clinton gracing the pages of newspapers and websites, in which she appears presidential. Absolutely in charge and full of wisdom. Two examples are striking: one photo from anunews shows Clinton is a very patriotic light, the second, from the The Drudge Report, show Clinton, glasses et al, appearing very presidential, and ready to make that decision.

Clinton Patriot - from ANUNEWS

From the main page July 18, 2010, Clinton in Command - source noed as with Yahoo Article (not found).

Understanding that a photo taken any day, can be good or bad, it is that with Ms. Clinton, the press appears (or more appropriately) appeared to find the worst possible light in which to place the former contender for Barack Obama’s current position. Now that polls are going south and the real possibility exists not only of a turnover in Congress in 2010, but a turnover in the White House in 2012, the news pertaining to (including video and stills) Ms. Clinton, may truly begin to take on an air of command. Naturally, there are many, including this blog, who would have suggested last August, when the only three candidates left Standing were McCain, Obama and Clinton, that Clinton was the best choice for multiple reasons. Her record in the Senate for one, and her experience, which trumped the other Democrat candidate that went on to win the nomination backed by super delegates; Once Barack’s nomination was secured, those that would have favored Clinton, turned to McCain and Palin, (once announced).

Should she decide to run (and it is early) it would set up at least a snowballs chance that a Democrat will get elected to the White House in 2012.


  1. Hillary Clinton is even more obnoxiously rightist than Obama. She's part of The Familly, the fundamentalist Christian cult that runs C Street. Her main priority as Sec. of State has been to try to start a way with Iran, one in which hundreds of thousands of Iranians would be slaughtered in the name of militant Christianity and white supremacist hate.

  2. Interesting observation on the Hillary photos. I think though that Drudge is partial to her. I wonder if the rest of the media is quietly souring on Obama and maybe are setting the stage for a Hillary run?

    I personally think this would be disastrous for the Dems. It's not anything against Hillary, I think she would have done far better than Obama and have since the primaries.

    I do think though that a run by her would rip the party apart.

    First, how many blacks will come out and vote in the general election if Hillary is on the ticket? They will feel she stole the election form Obama. I believe there are many others in the Dem party that would feel the same.

    I don't think she can attract enough other voters to offset the loss of the Obama die-hards.

    At most I see her replacing Biden and I think even this is unlikely.


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