Monday, May 24, 2010

Obama – Mid-Term Election Strategy to Campaign Against Bush and Republican Congress – While Public Wearies Of Big Ticket Programs – Clinton 2012?

Clinton Run in 2012? Saving the Democrats from Self-Destruction -image lvitale wordpress blog

FromPolitco a treatment of the political strategy for Democrats going forward into the 2010 mid-terms: Obama apparently continues to campaign against George Bush and a Republican Congress, which, in this particular article, he does so without mentioning names.

“The message is layered. A shot at Bush (without mentioning his name.) A jab at congressional Republicans (although rarely saying “Republicans.”) A defense of the actions he’s taken so far.

The article concludes that this message may or may not work, depending upon the economy in November.

That said, as much as Obama continues to pound home the “It’s not my fault” message, and American’s, according to an AP release, aren’t buying it. The big spending from a Democrat controlled congress continues unabated while programs penned by the President, from the Stimulus to Health Care Reform, have the general public skittish.

Which may be why major special elections held this year, have gone to Conservatives, including the Pennsylvania 12th, where Democrat Mark Critz ran as far away from Democrat policy as possible: including the Health Care Reform bill and Cap and Trade. The recent win of Charles Djou in Hawaii’s 1st district emphasizes the desperation within the ranks of the Democrat party – with Progressives and Moderate Democrats fighting to deliver a message the electorate will buy – in this case, both the Progressive and Moderate refusing to bow out of a race. The smart move would have been to run with the moderate, in order to maintain the seat, even in a heavily Democrat controlled Hawaii – the Progressive message is tainted with the bigger taxes, big spending and unions pushing for more.

The fact that George Bush will have been out of the White House for two years, come November and the public is well-aware that Congress had been controlled by Democrats (see Nancy Pelosi’s approval) since 2006, will not play well in swing states, as well as traditional Democrat bastions such as Massachusetts and Hawaii indefinitely. It may have worked in the 2008 elections but the media has made it very clear that Obama is responsible, along with Nancy Pelosi and Harry Reid, for all major programs; thereby nullifying Obama’s argument.

To the point, Republican Whip, Eric Cantor , has a program entitled You Cut The premise: each week, five different spending programs before Congress are outlined on the website, the general public is invited to choose one of the five items by voting – basically offering the general public transparency (the bill is posted), and an opportunity to see exactly how ridiculous the current administration and Democrats controlling the Congress are when it comes to fiscal responsibility. Although touted by the press as a “Gimmick”, it sends a clear message that something has to be done to stop the bleeding. Cantor gets it, along with others, be it a “Tea Party Candidate”, or a Democrat who, in order to win in a strongly controlled Democrat district, must run against his own party (Critz-PA 12) in order to be elected. To cast your vote go to: You Cut. To find out how your Congressional Representative voted in the first round go to: Week One Vote

With Republicans becoming more vocal, and Tea Party politician’s doing the same, Obama is going to have a hard sell to the much needed independent voter and the moderate Democrat. Moreover, according to some on the left (see Huffington Post), Obama may be challenged come 2011 by Hillary Clinton, and depending upon the outcome of the November elections (which one can fairly conclude will be a boon to the Republican Party, a moderate Clinton could defeat Obama in a primary, given the fact that the majority of the “Super Delegates” who pulled the rug out from under Clinton in a Progressive Coup at the 2008 Democrat Convention, may not longer be in office. A Clinton run for the White House would set the stage for a resurgence or return of the moderate Democrat. Depending upon which of the four leading Republican’s (Huckabee, Romney, Gingrich and Palin according to a PPO poll) assumed to be running in 2012, specifically Palin, should Palin win the nod, (or end up on the ticket) it would be the most interesting race to the Corner Office in the nation’s history.

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