Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Massachusetts Update: Additional Candidates Running for Congressional Office in 2010

Addendum to: Massachusetts Democrats Should take Nothing for Granted in 2010 Races - April 20, 2010: Although not all of the District candidates are listed below, this blog has received requests to list any candidates running that may have either not yet filed with the FEC, and/or were missed by human error in reviewing the 2010 FEC list here.

The Hampden First, Running against John Olver Bill Gunn for Congress.
The Massachusetts 3rd: from Massachusetts election 2010.com (Full Article:

The race for Jim McGovern’s 3rd Congressional District is heating up. The current challengers are:
• Marty Lamb (R) www.martyforcongress.com
• Brian Herr (R)Brian Herr for Congress
• Robert Delle (R) Robert Delle for Congress
• Robert Chipman (R)Robert Chipman for Congress
• Michael Stopa (R) Michael Stopa for Congress
• Patrick Barron (I)Patrick Barron for Congress

Should anyone wish to contact the blog regarding additional Massachusetts GOP or Independent candidates (Congressional and or State Office,) they will be added to this list.

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous9:32 PM

    Thank you for mentioning the candidates. And I urge everyone to look into the republican primary in your area. If for no other reason then this, all over the country some very talented people are stepping up to run. Most have never ran for office before. And so often they are exceptional people.

    I support Mike Stopa. He is a PhD physicist currently at Harvard, specializing in nano science and computational physics. If you are interested he has extensive policy statements on his webpage. And perhaps you can meet him in person at a campaign event.

    I urge you to compare and contrast with the other fine and reputable candidates running for the Massachusetts 3rd district.



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