Thursday, January 07, 2010

Massachusetts Democrats on Vacation - The Kennedy Endorsement of Coakley – and Coakleys First Ad - Too Little Too Late.

Although Scott Brown, the Republican candidate for U.S. Senate in Massachusetts has been racking up endorsements from a variety of sources including Senator John McCain, former Boston Sportsman, Curt Shilling and most lately, former Senator and Radio Host (NY 23rd) Fred Thompson, Martha Coakley appeared to have the endorsement of Bill Clinton alone. Granted, the Clinton’s are popular with Massachusetts Democrats, Hillary specifically. The latest batch of Caokely endorsements are coming from the Kennedy family – according to the Boston Globe. Ted Kennedy’s second wife, and widow, Victoria Reggie Kennedy, will endorse Coakley. It was Victoria Kennedy who pushed for the interim appointment of Kennedy family friend, Paul Kirk, to keep the “seat warm” for the next Democrat to come down the pike. A move that was applauded by the Commonwealth Political hierarchy (and appalled those on who vote.)

Not for nothing, but the last time the Kennedy’s got behind a candidate in Massachusetts, it was not the candidate their constituents chose. The candidate, Barack Obama, did not win the popular vote in the primary in Massachusetts, Hillary Clinton did; it was Kennedy and Kerry who were the first to endorse Obama, over the tide of support for Senator Clinton.

With 12 days to go until the election – an endorsement by Ms. Kennedy, may rally the “troops” that Coakley already has in her corner – those that are committed to voting for her – but, as the past Kennedy endorsement have left many feeling a bit of buyer’s remorse, this latest endorsement may prove to be no more than ‘eyewash’.

Coakley’s first television ad,(shown below) on the heels of Brown’s second, is the same theme (right down to the scenes) she used during the primary – in a nutshell, how her position as attorney general will somehow improve the economy. Martha speaks to the base, once again, evoking corporate greed, and her work to put predators behind bars (which, Massachusetts does not have a strong record of doing so).

Coakley continues to use keywords and pulls endorsements that speak to some of the 35% of those who consider themselves Democrats in Massachusetts. She has failed to move to the middle, which leaves Brown with the majority of the unenrolleds, as well most Republican voters. In addition, Martha’s vacation from the campaign, other than a few hand-picked debates (which Brown handily won) has not endeared her to her own base. Coakley, who has name recognition to a point, is doing too little, too late, to pull out a stunner. One evokes name recondition because, ask the man (or woman) on the street who the Lieutenant Governor of the Commonwealth is, they have no idea – the same goes for Attorney General.

This will be a very close race, one in which Scott Brown has the momentum, and the last minute endorsements (on both sides) will do little to motivate. The lines have been drawn in the proverbial sand. As Brown continues his tours of the Commonwealth, as his grassroots organization continues to call and go door to door, (indeed!), the momentum continues to grow. Browns lead among independents as well as Hispanics (marginal’s from Rasmussen) will take this race down to the finish line – again, having no crystal ball – prediction that the race will be called with matter of points, in Browns favor – may be conservative.

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