Saturday, January 16, 2010

Boston Globe Blames Obama for Coakley’s Pending Loss to Scott Brown – Obama Visit to Mass. Uncertain - May Be Pushed to Monday.

In the past few days there have been leaks coming out from Washington as the Democrats prepare to protect Obama’s image, in the face of a Coakley loss, by placing the blame squarely on Coakley. The fact that Coakley began her campaign with an attitude that her win was a foregone conclusion began to campaign late with negative ads, the last thing that appeals to Massachusetts Independent Voters and made mistake after mistake, coming into the last weekend, is not lost on the populace of Massachusetts. That said, there is a bit of pride in the Bay State, and the Boston Globe, which is the only newspaper in the state to endorse Coakley, has already laid the groundwork to point the finger elsewhere – at Obama.

In an editorial published today by Jeff Jacoby, entitled “Blame Obama”, the fact that Obama’s run the administration counter to the campaign rhetoric, is used as reason enough for the Bay State voters to give Coakley the proverbial boot. Although Jacoby makes excellent points, the fact remains that Coakley is a flawed candidate, one which, given the current climate in the Bay State, will need a good deal of help from the dead, busloads of friends from Illinois, New Hampshire, Connecticut and New York, and a whole lot of shenanigans (basic corruption which Boston is infamous for), in order to pull within the currently projected 4 points of Scott Brown.

Although Democrats are calling the Bay State - they are being out-called, out door-to-doored and out-rallied by Brown Supporters - not one of them is paid, and no-one is campaigning for Brown on the public’s dime (i.e.: Obama). Speaking of the President, although scheduled to make an appearance in Massachusetts on Sunday, there has been some speculation as to whether or not the President will actually show. There are unconfirmed reports that Obama plans to hit the Bay State on Monday instead and head to Haiti on Sunday. This change in plans may have just as much to do with “appearances” (world view) as with the “appearance” of being greeted by a whole lot more Brown supporters than Coakley fans. Additionally, snow and ice are forecast for Monday, giving the President an excellent "out", just in case. Scott Brown begins a tour of the state tomorrow, shaking more hands and winning hearts and minds. A new poll by Public Policy Polling will be released Sunday night and that should, in all likelihood, remain at an approximate 5 plus point lead for Brown.


  1. GREAT news. But we need to keep PRESSING.

    Vote Scott Brown!

    Get your friends, family, and everyone you know to vote for Scott!

    Assume NOTHING.

  2. I have suspected all along that Obama would not come to Mass. I think he is going to have to all of a sudden deal with Haiti.

    I even go further and suspect the whole thing was in the bag at the beginning. He would plan to go in a show of support then have the trip canceled.

    I think Dems are trying to prepare to take Obama's fingerprints off of the race. He's developing a pretty poor track record for off year campaigns.

  3. Hey Justin, can't take anything for granted in this state, which is why the 24/7 campaign is going on - with Obama, he's coming in afterall - apparently at Northeastern - I gave directions in case anyone was interested in attending - I imagine the attendees will be Kennedy's, Coakley's and the members of the various unions who have been paid to be there - that said, nothing wrong with taking the moeny and then voting for Brown.

  4. The republican party are masters at putting millions upon millions upon millions of people out of work. AND stealing taxpayers retirement plans along the way.

    Repubs do with a remarkable degree of consistency is wreck the economy,initiate huge movements of shipping jobs abroad aka the Reagan-Bush Global Economy and try to wreck social security and medicare.

    Is there a definite pattern? Absolutely!

    1. The Reagan/ Bush Home Loan Scandal

    2. The Bush/Cheney Home Loan Scandal

    3. What did Bush and Henry Paulson do with the bail out money?

    4. Why did GW Bush Lie About Social Security?( This would cost taxpayers $4 trillion and wreck the economy)

    5. Still A Bad Idea – Bush Tax Cuts

    6. The "tea parties" BTW are part of the wreckanomics program funded by the Koch Brothers... well known oil billionaires. These thinkers back a tax payers bill of rights which is another scheme to reward the upper 1% which is designed to wreck local and state governments.

    All of the above displays reckless economic behavior that which drains the cookie jars.
    Now the only way to get them revenues back is to take them back.

    What do Reagan,Bush and Bush republicans plan for 2010. Start the typical repub character assassination campaign which in essence is a massive cover-up scheme for the financial disasters that illustrate how the repub are NOT financial giants of our time have screwed up USA economics for the past 30 years.

    Think about it. In the past 30 years the repub party has been in involved two major home loan scandals that effectively took the USA economy down the tubes. One is too damn many but twice represents repub economic policy. Wreckanomics is a failed economic policy. In fact wreckanomics is beginning to smell like well planned crimes.

  5. Norquist and Koch Brothers

    What short memories would be republicans have. Yes being led around by the likes of Grover Norquist,Newt Gingrich, Charles and David Koch and Turd Blossom(Karl Rove). Yes those Koch brothers are funding anti insurance reform tea baggers.... Funding the Tea Baggers in general.

    The so called republicans are always making wallets smaller even though they come out against it. This is their favorite tool.....create the illusion while they rob us blind.

    The Koch Brothers

    Grover Norquist ( GW Bush-Cheney advisor)

    Who are the modern day teabaggers? From very conservative white collar industries. Employees and stockholders of the insurance companies and such.

  6. Hi Merrill, herein lays the problem, the Republicans are not "in control", they have not had a majority in Congress since 2006, the President, as in "Bush-Cheney", were considered "lame-duck" since that point, the real control always rests with Congress. The problem with your logic is that it is somewhat lopsided - both political parties have tons of baggage, and there is plenty of blame to go around - Independents made that clear in Massachusetts - unless you play in the middle - and reject an elitist or progressive tone, your chance of governing is greatly diminished.


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