Thursday, August 20, 2009

Republican’s take the lead on Public Trust – 8 out of 10 Key Issues – Rasmussen

The public trust is a fluid commoditynot owned for long recently, by any political party - as proven by a recent Rasmussen Poll.

On the issues:
  • Health Care – Republicans lead in polling on trust by 44% to 41% (Democrats)
    (The President’s Health Care Reform Plan is currently favored by 42% of the population, down from prior polls)

  • On the Economy – by 6 points

  • On Education – 41% to 38%

  • On Social Security – 43% to 39%

  • On Taxes – 51% to 35%

  • War in Iraq – Tied

  • National Security – 47 to 43% (a decrease)

  • Ethics and Corruption – 31% to 34% (Democrats)

  • Abortion – 46% to 36%

  • This survey was based on a sample of 1,000 likely voters.

    Looking at the issues that Republics (i.e. conservatives) hold the lead – several are related to and include the economy, such as taxes, social security, and health care reform (the social aspects aside, this is an economic issue) – One would expect the Republican party to come out strong on Abortion and National Security, but surprisingly Education, which has been owned for decades by the Democrat Party, is now in the hands of Republicans – the question is why? Republicans are more free-market in areas of education, with a belief that should there be competition, the end result would be better teachers, and higher levels of education achieved by the general populace, as it would apply across the board (See Mike Huckabee’s record on education while Govenor of Arkansas – outstanding.) That said, the Democrats backed by the powerful teachers unions, may have had a play in the numbers change, as most American’s now consider themselves as conservatives. The ethics and corruption category should be owned by both parties, and has been, therefore, this one, from a reasonable perspective, is moot.

    What is driving these numbers? A move to the left by the Obama administration, (centrist on the Campaign trail) while in concert with the leading Progressives in both Houses, is leading the general public (those that now consider themselves conservative) to brand the entire party. It is perception that will realize any change in power in the 2010 election. For polling on 2010 races (Congressional and Senate) visit: Real Clear Politics.


    1. These numbers do not bode well for them for next year. A lot of these issues are things they typically lead on

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