Sunday, July 12, 2009

Update Iran 21 Tir, (7-12-09) Leading Clerics Continue to Call Election a Fraud – New Face of the Revolution - Date to Watch 30 Tir

The New York Times is reportingthat one of Iran’s most senior clerics, Grand Ayatollah Hossein Ali Montazeri, has stated the current Leaders are unfit to rule. This comes on the heels of the clerics of Qom’s denouncement of the elections. Although the clerics that oppose the regime appear to be considered “dissidents” by left of center Press such as the Times, the growing opposition to Khomeini in clerical circles is apparent. This may be spurned on by rumors that Khomeini intends to establish his son, Ahmed Khomeini as his successor, thereby establishing a dynastic theocracy.

Ahemed Khomeini has played a key role in the brutal crackdown of protestors - like father, like son.

There is another face of the revolution which has been added to that of the young woman, Neda, killed in the early stages of the protest. Arabi Sohrab, was a high school senior who was imprisoned, beaten and finally executed, 4 days after his mother put up bail for his release. The story here, translated from Farsi courtesy of Google Translation.

As a result of this latest atrocity, there are several (unconfirmed) protests that will take place in Iran within the coming weeks: The most telling is that the demonstrators have gathered a 2 million strong force to counter attack the 300,000 strong dictators special guards. The interesting part of this statement is that it is being documented that individuals who are entering Iran (expatriates) are being detained and questioned and passports held.

Protests said to be planned: A boycott of all products shown on State Sponsored Television and a large protest planned for 30 Tir (July 21st).

Those fighting for a free Iran have taken a more pragmatic approach as of late, from Twitter:


Regardless of when, in terms of months or years, those that are fighting for a free and secular Iran, are not allowing for defeat.

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