Friday, July 03, 2009

Sarah Palin Resigns Governorship - “We are not retreating; we are advancing in another direction.”

Sarah Palin on the Campaign Trail - img -

In a move that stunned political observers,
Sarah Palin, former Republican Vice Presidential Candidate and the first female Governor of Alaska, resigned today.
(Video Below) In her announcement she spoke to the repeated Ethics Investigations, brought by Democrats in the State, noting that she was not going to waste further taxpayer money.

Palin is considered a contender for the 2012 Presidential race, along with other prominent Republicans: Mitt Romney, Mike Huckabee and Newt Gingrich. That said; Palin’s move may have been based more on her commitment to principal than any early decision to run in 2012. Palin, a Reagan fiscal conservative, spoke of “positive change outside government”, which could, at this point, mean anything. As to who will actually run in 2012 is anyone's best guess - in 2006, Rudy Guilliani was favored and the press knew nothing of (outside of a few political junkies)Mike Huckabee or thought John McCain would run, yet again.

Palin has been the favorite target of the press as well as “insiders” from the McCain campaign since she was announced as the Vice Presidential nominee in 2008. If one thought that Hillary Clinton was eviscerated by the press for being female (and she was), Palin was and continues to be assaulted for being a high-profile, female, conservative.

David Letterman’s sexists remarks regarding Palin and her family, in June of this year, lost the late show host, sponsors such as the Olive Garden. Letterman’s treatment of Palin, although abhorrent in its blatant sexism, was no worse than most bloggers and/or journalist – one must look hard to find an article that does not use a backhanded remark (femininity) when Palin is the subject.

As to her future ambitions, the governor noted that she would release more information via “Twitter”, a post made at 6:08 pm EST from Palin’s profile suggested reading this statement by Lt. Governor, Sean Parnell (full text here).

I thank Governor Palin for holding fast to these principles during her service. Personally, I thank her for the confidence she’s placed in me, for her trust, and for her friendship. As Alaska celebrates her 50th year of statehood, I believe history will look back on Sarah Palin as one of Alaska’s great gifts to all peoples. You have served honorably, Governor. God bless you.

Sarah Palin may not be any Democrat’s, (or moderate Republican’s) cup of tea, however, she brought energy and enthusiasm and a persona to the conservative movement that equaled the “star power” of Obama – which may explain the vehemence of the written (and verbal) assaults Palin has shouldered since August of 2008.


  1. I find this whole thing a little bizarre and possibly disappointing

  2. I used to be a democrat and Gov. Palin is my cup of tea! I support her for everything she stands for, her sincerity, and her ability to break away from the rest to do her own thing! She is a confident woman!

  3. Anonymous10:59 AM

    Whatever she does, whether politically or just getting out of the crosshairs and living her life as a mom/wife, I'll support her. She is a breath of fresh air in this political disaster we've allowed to happen. The double standard in the media is disgusting. Something has to change and it's not barry soetoro's kind of change.....


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