Wednesday, July 15, 2009

07-15-09 Iran Update – Rafsanjani to Lead Friday Prayers, Mousavi to Attend, Ahmadinejad Absent – Iran: “70 milion people are in the greatest prison"

FormerPresident and current Chair of the Experts Assembly will deliver Friday Prayers, which may spell the end of the current regime. An analysis of Rafsanjani’s power to remove Khomeini can be found here at Tehran Bureau, and an analysis of the 30 year history of clerical power struggles are available here at Etemaad(Farsi).

What may be most interest is the attendance of Oppostion Leader Mousavi, at the service and the absence of the contested President, Ahmadinejad, who will be attending prayers in Mashhad. The significance of main opposition leader, the absence of the contested president, and the presence of the one person in Iran that has the ability to remove Khomeini, speaking to the Iranian Nation (the services are televised) will no doubt herald a change in the political landscape of Iran.

Additionally, through social network such as Twitter and Facebook, calls for additional protests tomorrow, as well as a call for large attendance of Mousavi supporters at the Friday service (note: it is now being suggested that the Iranian Government is limited attendance), are increasing as of today.

Below is an excerpt of an exchange between an Iranian inside Iran and an American via social media chat: Names have been removed, as well as some specifics regarding communications that have recently been established which are allowing reports to come out of Iran. The determination and faith of the Iranian People, to free themselves of the tyranny that has had them shackled for over 30 years, is apparent – “70 milion people are in the greatest prison”:

so I couldnt answer u on time as I hadnt access to
360 all websites here r filtered
islamic rejime had a Coup
and suprem leader choiced Ahmadinejad as the president with the fraud
till now we r trying to collect the name
of the people who died
and we r sending them to the Amnesty International
we dont know the exact number
but it is more than 150
all the channels satelite web sites were filtered
we just could send some films through you tube and twitter
but there is no journalists here from west
all reformist and western media are banned
guess what??!!
there is a way to have access to the internet and run away from rejim filters
so we can run from filters
as the prisoners, 70 milion people are in the greatest prison
no life no happiness no freedom nothing
( well they can't keep everyone controlled for long)
they are just fashist and dictators
Lisa did u see some of the films??!!
u could see how they shout to the people
how they attack to the young kids with blade and chain and batons
I mean shoot not shout
and tomarow the rejim is gonna to hang 14 people
for the people to be afraid
all of them are young

u will see the pictures too

pray fro us today
( you will triumph over the government)
we will, sstrong will and unity

It is now only a matter of time before a new order is established in Iran and the Terrorist reign of Khoemeni is ended.

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