Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Mass. Gov. Deval Patrick – Tax increases and the 2010 Mass. Budget – Obama follows Patrick’s lead – attempts to exports Massachustts policy nationwid

Deval Patrick and Obama: photo: donate.barackobama.com

Massachusetts Governor, Deval Patrick, signed the new state budget yesterday, which included a 25% increase in the state sales tax – in addition he stated there would be no annual “Sales Tax Holiday” this year. The annual “Tax Holiday” is a boost to retailers and consumers alike, many of whom are now heading to bordering states to make major purchases. Additionally, the Governor will not rule out an increase in the Bay States gasoline tax, which had lost steam in the Democrat controlled legislature after the remaining State taxpayers took exception to having the distinction of being the State with the highest gas taxes.

What does the 27 Billion Dollar 2010 budget consist of? It’s all online at here: at Mass.gov Reading how the State of Massachusetts intends to spend every taxpayer’s last dime is interesting to say the least. The largest percentage of the budget is dedicated to the Department of Health and Human Services, $13 plus billion, which covers covers the ever increasing State’s Universal Health Care plan.
The States Department of Education came in second on the spend meter, and the department of “Independents” is right up there in the 2 billion dollar range. What does the Department of Independents consist of? State Government agencies, including the governor’s office. which received $4,952,643 of discretionary funding. Granted the Governor took a cut this year, down from 5,528,798 in the 2009 budget; that said, does the Governor really need an additional $400,000 for a Washington DC office? Apparently, the Governor, close associate of the President (Obama) feels that unless he has a presence in DC, Massachusetts will not be able to Maximize Federal grants. Seriously.

As taxpaying residents contemplate more than a shopping trip to neighboring states (expect an increase in housing sales in New Hampshire and Connecticut), where will the tax base come from? With the 4th highest corporate tax rate globally, the Bay State is not attractive to most businesses. Now, with the sales tax increase (included increases on hotel fees and meals), visitors might tend to bypass Massachusetts and save a bit of money by going north or south, where vacation packages in this economic climate are competitive. Additionally, an increase in the state’s unemployment rolls have already accounted for a loss in income for the Department of Revenue of 14 %
Patrick, obvious to his unbelievably low approval ratings, decided that the best way to deal with an increasingly belligerent and declining tax base was to talk about the upside of paying more taxes!

Unfortunately, for those still left in Massachusetts, once the State is done fleecing one’s wallet, the Federal Government will kick in. Barack Obama, taking a cue from Deval Patrick on health care, has declined to rule out taxing health care benefits!.

Cap and Trade, the energy bill that has gone through the Democrat Congress, unread as usual, at the speed of light, is in the Senate, where the Obama administration hopes to saddle the American people with a federal government program modeled on regulations in place in California. Unless one has lived under a rock for the past 30 years, California or Massachusetts are the last States in this Union, any sitting President would care to use as a model for Federal Programs and Spending – yet – that is exactly what is taking place.

Once Massachusetts and California health and energy programs are installed nationwide (“Yes we can”), where can the populace flee to avoid a decent into abject poverty at the hands of the greedy Federal government? To the polling booths, en mass – One can only truly appreciate what this administration is thinking by following Obama updates on Twitter:

@whitehouse WH Facebook page exclusive: President Obama backstage before ordering Colbert’s head-shave

This from the “Leader” of the Free World.
Another Obama Twitter site (unofficial), attached to a site which offers official press briefings, and such can be found here: on Twitter
During the crisis in Iran and the developing fight for constitutional freedom in Honduras, this Tweeter site offers gems to those who follow Obama: Photographs of Obama’s variety of expressions!

Photo: Distant Reflection Window opens to reveal Obama

Bay Stater’s can rest assured that their own Governor has either followed or been followed by (hard to tell) the President, with his on Twitter site: here.


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