Friday, June 19, 2009

Letterman Loses Olive Garden Advertising – Conservative Feminism Triumphs

Letterman apologizing to Paris Hilton - from

David Letterman may, in the end prove costly to CBS, as advertiser Olive Garden, has pulled its remaining schedule from the late-night television program. Although the company’s official statement denies this move was due to pressure from protests over sexist and inappropriate comments made by Letterman, the news site, Politico, confirmed that the Franchise had bowed to pressure from protester's.

The fact that Sarah Palin, controversial Republican Governor of Alaska and former V.P. presidential candidate, and her 14 year old daughter were the target of the talk-show hosts “jokes" was moot and served to bring attention to the greater issue – which was the crass jokes applied to women across the board. This was evidenced by the remark made about Governor Palin vis a vis a “slutty flight attendant look". Further, the “joke” regarding the Governors’ 14 year old daughter was reprehensible, suggesting that a 14 (or as Letterman claimed an 18 year old) female, would get “knocked up” by a baseball player during a game. This implies that regardless of age, females are “objects”, while the male “superstar” baseball player, is worthy of praise – able to impregnate an “object” while continuing athletic excellence.

Hillary Clinton "demeaned" as flight attendent -photo: blog: bagnewsnotes

The argument pro-Letterman, stemmed from the fact that the object of his ridicule was only a Republican, Conservative, woman – one that is high profile and therefore, not off limits. That argument is fallacious as the terms used by Letterman were rather broad – indicating a general lack of respect for women using generalizations and stereotypes. Therefore, Olive Garden should receive letter of thanks from women regardless of political afflation, because the franchise rose to the occasion in a positive manner.

Whether it is music (lyrics), movies, television sitcoms or variety shows, women are treated as “less than" their male counterparts, and more often than not: “objects” – objects of sexual innuendos, as well as scorn. The protests and letter writing campaign which was initially suggested and organized by the blog Hillbuzz, a cooperation between politically diverse groups, was responsible. They are due the thanks of women everywhere. The result of their campaign, was twofold, one Letterman directly apologies to Governor Palin, who accepted the apology for all women (She is undoubtedly a Conservative Feminist), and one sponsor, of many who are on the Hillbuzz list, has pulled advertising. This message must be sent, to those who are in a position to “entertain” millions - objectifying women is off-limits, regardless of political affiliation, race, religion, or sexual preference.


  1. No more Olive Garden for me. It is a comedy show. He apologized for his error of not realizing it was her 14 year old daughter. 18-year-old daughters of politicians are fair game for jokes, especially when she puts herself in the public eye with speaking in public. I disagree with Lettermen on most things, but it is a comedy show. Did I say it is a late night comedy show? Beats listening to Sarah Palin.

  2. Hi Phil,

    Apparently you missed my point, it is not about Sarah Palin specifically, it was his remarks vis a vis women in general - it is that type of comedy,entertianment, music, et al, that I, as a woman, find demeaning, regardless of who speaks it and who the target may be.

    You may not care for Sarah Palin - you're entitled - but how do you feel about flight attendants? - Are they all "slutty?" - as Mr. Letterman implied?

    Therein lies the problem.


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