Monday, April 20, 2009

Massachusetts Governor Duval Patrick (D) 2010 - Dukakis Revisited

Embattled Massachusetts Governor, Duval Patrick, recently announced his intentions to run for a second term as Governor. Patrick, who poll numbers are, to say the least, dismal, recently unveiled additional tax increases for state residents – from vehicle registration fees to an increase in the state’s Hotel taxes (Massachusetts tourism), on top of his already hotly contested request to raise the State’s gas tax to .19 cents per gallon. All this to cover a burgeoning state budget deficit, as Patrick axes state aid to municipalities while filling non-essential positions at salaries in excess of $175,000.

Several names have been bandied about as possible replacements for the Governor who exported his “Yes We Can” mantra nationwide, including Democrat Tim Cahill and of special interest, Charles D. Baker , Republican and head of former aid to Governor William Weld, and CEO of Harvard Pilgrim Healthcare. Although still early in the scheme of things vis a vis the 2010 elections, reaction to Duval Patrick has lent to early speculation by Bay Stater’s as to a replacement. Patrick appears destined to go the way of Michael Dukakis, former presidential candidate and one-term Governor of the Bay State.

Of Note: Jennifer Nassour, Mass. GOP Chair, has chosen the City of Worcester as the site for the 2010 GOP State Convention. Nearby Shrewsbury is home of State Rep., Karen Politio, whose name has also been mentioned as a possible 2010 Gubernatorial candidate.

1 comment:

  1. Patrick can take solace in the notion that he can now go on and be trounced by a conservative in a Presidential election.


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