Monday, March 02, 2009

Pro-Abortion, Sebelius, Obama’s Choice for HHS – The Catholic Response

Sebelius with Late-Term Abortin Provider, Tiller, photo: Operation Rescue

Kathleen Sebelius, Governor of Kansas, has been chosen by President Barack Obama to fill the slot of Health and Human Services Secretary. Sebelius, a professed Catholic, who supports late term abortions, had been asked by , Archbishop Naumann, as recently as spring 2008, to refrain from taking communion (a Catholic Sacrament), unless she made a public statement changing her stance to one of pro-life. While, Catholics, overwhelming have voted with the Democrat Party in past elections, it remains to be seen what will happen in 2010, as high-profile Democrats such as Nancy Pelosi and Vice President Biden, continue to be publicly scolded by the Catholic Church, from the Pope’s scathing reception of Pelosi to the Bishop Joseph Martino, of Scranton, PA, who has banned all pro-abortion officials from St. Patrick’s day festivities, Catholic leaders are stepping up and taking a stand on an issue that is critical to Catholics of Choice, rather than Catholics of Convenience (i.e. politicians).
Kansas, is home to the infamous Dr. George Tiller, who is facing criminal charges for performing late-term abortions in defiance of Kansas State Law. Tiller and Sebelius have a give and take relationship allegedly supporting one another be it the governors campaign or the doctors criminal charges.

The political ramifications are of import as the Catholic Vote is consistently courted by pro-abortion politicians and candidates in direct opposition to the Church’s teaching. One would think that if a candidate held this point of view, it would be a difference between themselves and their specific church, however, many “professed and pro-abortion” Catholic Politician’s, routinely campaign and appeal to Catholics, bringing camera crews along to celebrate a Mass, for instance. One should understand that if these politician’s continue to accept large donations from organizations such as NARAL, which routinely fund and endorse candidates for office based on their contributions to abortion legislation. The website offers a map (here) which allows one to find out if their representatives are “acceptable” to these pro-abortion activists.

Additionally groups such as, left of center, “Catholics for Choice”, routinely support pro-abortion politicians and argue against Church Teaching. These groups appear to be more political than religious, and formed for the sole purpose of providing support for political candidates and pro-choice legislation.
One has to wonder what impact this emboldened Catholic Church will have on future elections, as Church leaders continue to point out to parishioners through services such as the Catholic News Agency, and sermons from the pulpit making voters culpable and subject to confession should they vote for a pro-abortion candidate.

As far as Sebelius is concerned, her acceptance to the post of Health and Human Services, may or may not have an impact; other than media sources suddenly finding that Catholics are now categorized into two groups: those that support abortion and the “right leaning” Catholics. It appears as if suddenly Pope Benedict and Rush Limbaugh have something in common – right wing, conservatives.

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