Saturday, February 21, 2009

NARAL (Pro-Abortion Group) Heralds Election of Pro-Abortion Legislators – Catholic Voters Guide

A quick guide for all Catholics, (or any given denomination that does not support Abortion): In light of Pope Benedict’s warning to Catholic legislatures this past week, following the short meeting with Rep. Nancy Pelosi (As head of the Vatican State, not head of the Catholic Church (a snub in itself) - the Pope noted it was every Catholics duty to uphold life at every stage. The Bishop of Scranton, (Pennsylvania), has taken up Benedicts tone, baring pro-abortion activist from any St. Patrick’s days masses or parades.

With this new tone on Abortion set by the Pope, the following may be a beneficial guide for lay people when considering candidates in 2010 (let alone the “stimulus package”). NARAL’s (pro-Abortion) website offers congratulations to all representatives that either won or held onto a seat in 2008 - those who have worked tirelessly for abortion rights, are noted with an asterisk as being endorsed by NARAL. The List From ProChoiceAmerica (NARAL)

Sen. Barack Obama *
Gov. Christine Gregoire, Washington
Gov. John Lynch, New Hampshire
Beverly Perdue, North Carolina
Gov. Brian Schweitzer, Montana
U.S. Senate
Sen. Max Baucus, Montana *
Mayor Mark Begich, Alaska *
Sen. Richard Durbin, Illinois *
Sen. Tom Harkin, Iowa
Sen. John Kerry, Massachusetts *
Sen. Frank Lautenberg, New Jersey *
Sen. Carl Levin, Michigan
State Speaker Jeff Merkley, Oregon *
Sen. Jack Reed, Rhode Island
Jeanne Shaheen, New Hampshire *
Rep. Tom Udall, New Mexico *
Rep. Mark Udall, Colorado *
U.S. House of Representatives
Rep. Neil Abercrombie, Hawaii - 01
Rep. Gary Ackerman, New York - 05
State Sen. John Adler, New Jersey - 03 *
Rep. Rob Andrews, New Jersey - 01
Rep. Michael Arcuri, New York - 24
Rep. Joe Baca, California - 43
Rep. Brian Baird, Washington - 03
Rep. Tammy Baldwin, Wisconsin - 02
Rep. Melissa Bean, Illinois - 08
Rep. Xavier Becerra, California - 31
Rep. Shelley Berkley, Nevada - 01
Rep. Howard Berman, California - 28
Rep. Tim Bishop, New York - 01 *
Rep. Earl Blumenauer, Oregon - 03
Rep. Rick Boucher, Virginia - 09 *
Rep. Bob Brady, Pennsylvania - 01
Rep. Bruce Braley, Iowa - 01 *
Rep. Corinne Brown, Florida - 03
Rep. Lois Capps, California - 23
Rep. Michael Capuano, Massachusetts - 08
Rep. Russ Carnahan, Missouri - 03 *
Rep. André Carson, Indiana - 07 *
Rep. Kathy Castor, Florida - 11
Rep. Carolyn Cheeks Kilpatrick, Michigan - 13 *
Rep. Yvette Clarke, New York - 11
Rep. William Lacy Clay, Missouri - 01
Rep. Emanuel Cleaver, Missouri - 05
Rep. Steve Cohen, Tennessee - 09 *
Gerry Connolly, Virginia - 11 *
Rep. John Conyers, Michigan - 14
Rep. Joe Courtney, Connecticut - 02 *
Rep. Joseph Crowley, New York - 07
Rep. Elijah Cummings, Maryland - 07
Rep. Susan Davis, California - 53
Rep. Danny Davis, Illinois - 07
Rep. Peter DeFazio, Oregon - 04
Rep. Diana DeGette, Colorado - 01
Rep. William Delahunt, Massachusetts - 10
Rep. Rosa DeLauro, Connecticut - 03 *
Rep. Norman Dicks, Washington - 06
Rep. Lloyd Doggett, Texas - 25 *
Rep. Donna Edwards, Maryland - 04 *
Rep. Keith Ellison, Minnesota - 05 *
Rep. Rahm Emanuel, Illinois - 05
Rep. Eliot Engel, New York - 17
Rep. Anna Eshoo, California - 14
Rep. Sam Farr, California - 17
Rep. Chaka Fattah, Pennsylvania - 02
Rep. Bob Filner, California - 51
Rep. Bill Foster, Illinois - 14 *
Rep. Barney Frank, Massachusetts - 04
Mayor Marcia Fudge, Ohio - 11
Rep. Gabrielle Giffords, Arizona - 08 *
Rep. Kirsten Gillibrand, New York - 20 *
Alan Grayson, Florida - 08 *
Rep. Al Green, Texas - 09
Rep. Raul Grijalva, Arizona - 07 *
Rep. Luis Gutierrez, Illinois - 04
Rep. John Hall, New York - 19
State Sen. Debbie Halvorson, Illinois - 11 *
Rep. Phil Hare, Illinois - 17 *
Rep. Jane Harman, California - 36
Rep. Alcee Hastings, Florida - 23
Martin Heinrich, New Mexico - 01 *
Rep. Brian Higgins, New York - 27
Rep. Maurice Hinchey, New York - 22
Rep. Mazie Hirono, Hawaii - 02 *
Rep. Paul Hodes, New Hampshire - 02 *
Eleanor Holmes Norton, District of Columbia - AL
Rep. Rush Holt, New Jersey - 12
Rep. Mike Honda, California - 15
Rep. Steny Hoyer, Maryland - 05
Rep. Jay Inslee, Washington - 01
Rep. Steve Israel, New York - 02
Rep. Jesse Jackson Jr., Illinois - 02
Rep. Sheila Jackson Lee, Texas - 18
Rep. Eddie Bernice Johnson, Texas - 30
Rep. Hank Johnson, Georgia - 04
Rep. Ron Kind, Wisconsin - 03
Ann Kirkpatrick, Arizona - 01
Rep. Ron Klein, Florida - 22
Suzanne Kosmas, Florida - 24 *
Frank Kratovil, Maryland - 01
Rep. Dennis Kucinich, Ohio - 10
Rep. Rick Larsen, Washington - 02
Rep. John Larson, Connecticut - 01
Rep. Barbara Lee, California - 09 *
Rep. Sandy Levin, Michigan - 12
Rep. John Lewis, Georgia - 05 *
Rep. David Loebsack, Iowa - 02 *
Rep. Zoe Lofgren, California - 16
Rep. Nita Lowey, New York - 18 *
Dan Maffei, New York - 25 *
Rep. Carolyn Maloney, New York - 14 *
Rep. Edward Markey, Massachusetts - 07
Betsy Markey, Colorado - 04 *
Eric Massa, New York - 29 *
Rep. Doris Matsui, California - 05
Rep. Carolyn McCarthy, New York - 04
Rep. Betty McCollum, Minnesota - 04 *
Rep. Jim McDermott, Washington - 07
Rep. James McGovern, Massachusetts - 03 *
Mike McMahon, New York - 13
Rep. Jerry McNerney, California - 11 *
Rep. Kendrick Meek, Florida - 17
Rep. Gregory Meeks, New York - 06
Rep. George Miller, California - 07
Rep. Brad Miller, North Carolina - 13 *
Walt Minnick, Idaho - 01 *
Rep. Harry Mitchell, Arizona - 05 *
Rep. Gwen Moore, Wisconsin - 04
Rep. Jim Moran, Virginia - 08
Rep. Patrick Murphy, Pennsylvania - 08 *
Rep. Chris Murphy, Connecticut - 05 *
Rep. Jerrold Nadler, New York - 08 *
Rep. Grace Napolitano, California - 38
Rep. John Olver, Massachusetts - 01
Rep. Frank Pallone, New Jersey - 06
Rep. Ed Pastor, Arizona - 04
Rep. Donald Payne, New Jersey - 10
Rep. Nancy Pelosi, California - 08
Rep. Ed Perlmutter, Colorado - 07 *
Gary Peters, Michigan - 09 *
Jared Polis, Colorado - 02
Rep. David Price, North Carolina - 04
Rep. Charles Rangel, New York - 15
Laura Richardson, California - 37 *
Rep. Ciro Rodriguez, Texas - 23 *
Rep. Steve Rothman, New Jersey - 09
Rep. Lucille Roybal-Allard, California - 34
Rep. Bobby Rush, Illinois - 01
Rep. Linda Sanchez, California - 39
Rep. Loretta Sanchez, California - 47
Rep. John Sarbanes, Maryland - 03
Rep. Jan Schakowsky, Illinois - 09
State Sen. Mark Schauer, Michigan - 07 *
Rep. Adam Schiff, California - 29
Rep. Allyson Schwartz, Pennsylvania - 13
Rep. David Scott, Georgia - 13
Rep. Bobby Scott, Virginia - 03
Rep. Jose Serrano, New York - 16
Rep. Joe Sestak, Pennsylvania - 07 *
Rep. Carol Shea-Porter, New Hampshire - 01
Rep. Brad Sherman, California - 27
Rep. Albio Sires, New Jersey - 13
Rep. Louise Slaughter, New York - 28
Rep. Adam Smith, Washington - 09
Rep. Hilda Solis, California - 32
Rep. Jackie Speier, California - 12
Rep. Pete Stark, California - 13
Rep. Betty Sutton, Ohio - 13
Rep. Ellen Tauscher, California - 10
Harry Teague, New Mexico - 02 *
Rep. Bennie Thompson, Mississippi - 02
Rep. Mike Thompson, California - 01
Rep. John Tierney, Massachusetts - 06
Paul Tonko, New York - 21 *
Rep. Edolphus Towns, New York - 10
Rep. Niki Tsongas, Massachusetts - 05
Rep. Chris Van Hollen, Maryland - 08
Rep. Nydia Velazquez, New York - 12
Rep. Tim Walz, Minnesota - 01 *
Rep. Debbie Wasserman Schultz, Florida - 20
Rep. Maxine Waters, California - 35
Rep. Diane Watson, California - 33
Rep. Melvin Watt, North Carolina - 12
Rep. Henry Waxman, California - 30
Rep. Anthony Weiner, New York - 09
Rep. Peter Welch, Vermont - AL *
Rep. Robert Wexler, Florida - 19
Rep. Lynn Woolsey, California - 06
Rep. David Wu, Oregon – 01

Length of Term in Office House of Representatives, 2 years, Senate – 6 years, President – 4 years. Next election: 2010.


  1. Pope Benedict is proving to be stronger on reigning Catholics in on the abortion issue. Pope John Paul spoke out aginst it but was more laid back. While I respected and liked Pope John Paul, Pope Benedict is a breathe of fresh air

  2. Chuck, I agree, also, I found a voters website (Catholic) - that is of interest - Catholic Apparently, what has, in teh past, stopped Catholic Priests from discussing issues relevant to voters, is a fear of losing tax except status, however, this site, educates Catholics, regarding this matter, apparently, it is perfectly fine for a priest to describe a political reference, however, as long as they do not specifically name a particular candidate. Interesting!

    I agree, Pope Benedict is a breath of fresh air!


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