Thursday, June 19, 2008

Democrat National Committee – Googling for Cindy McCain? - Do as We Say - Not as We Do.

DNC looking for Dirt on McCain Snapshot of Tracking Software Log

One would think that after all the calls to leave Michelle Obama, alone, that the party promoting change would offer the same courtesy to Cindy McCain – not so. Apparently the DNC is googling for anything that will denigrate the McCain’s, specifically photographs. Meanwhile, the Obama campaign (or DNC), is attempting image control – going so far as to openly discriminate against Muslim’s to make it happen article AP News. At a recent rally in Michigan, women wearing headscarves were removed from camera view. The party of unity and inclusion? Barack Obama, the young political hack from Chicago, has a lot of nerve calling for change and unity.

Campaigns are supposed to get dirty, and of course, that is anticipated, regardless of which party is looking for dirt on an opponent, the “dirt” that they find, and how that particular dirt is spun to make an opponent or in the case of this years election, one opponents spouse, look bad. What is patently ridiculous is that one party, with the full backing of the press, is suggesting that Michelle Obama is untouchable. Further, the Democrat campaign with her husbands permission, are turning her into a Stepford wife to insure that she remains photo friendly.

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