Monday, March 31, 2008

Vogue - Fashion, Fanfare and Racial Profiling

(Where is this leading? – The 2008 Presidential Race!)

In the media rush to make all things racist, the latest victim appears to be one of fashion – Vogue, the magazine known for its coverage of the fashion industry, has apparently chosen the wrong cover shot (according to those who knows the face of racism). In a country where race, gender, ethnicity, et al, ad nausea, should no longer be an issue, some extremely sensitive individuals are continuing to hammer home the message that American’s are generally biased, racists. Vogue’s April issue depicts two athletes on the cover, one male and one female – when first looking at the cover, one can appreciate the athletic overtone – regardless of race – however, Samir Husni, a magazine analyst (a what?) – considered the photo to be deliberately insensitive and then went on in the ap article (here at CBS3 Springfield, MA on the web) to go into his analysis with details that are: racists.

Apparently, with Barack Obama in the race for the presidency – Race is an issue, not because it truly is an issue, it is being made into an issue: from the left – from the progressives and the elite who hold themselves above the rest of the little people, comes a daily reminder that: “yes, you are”, a racist. This includes a remark made during a speech by the candidate Obama decrying: racism by “Typical White People”

You tube video:

Does this racism truly exist? Most assuredly, along with gender bias and, in this particular 2008 contest, ageism! (John McCain, older than dirt!)

Those in the media, that are looking for stories that are on the salacious side, have found race to be an issue that can be milked for all its worth. American’s should be offended, deeply offended by anyone today who brings race to the forefront with any type of blanket statement. This is not the 1960’s – that decade has come and gone. Does racism, gender bias and ageism, along with a host of other isms, exists? Most assuredly. Those prejudices will be manifested in the voting booth, in private, but by many or merely by a few, that is the question. The current crop of presidential contenders should not be assessed by race, gender or age, but by how progressive or conservative they claim to be. Joe and Jane America could care less if one is black, female or older than Methuselah, they care about issues, or they vote a straight party ticket. This constant drumbeat by those that would set our nation back to an era of division, by creating division in blanket statements is unconscionable.

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