Monday, May 22, 2006

Saudi's on Schoolbuses, and other things that make you go "huh?"

On May 19th, Tampa Bay's 10 reported on an incident on a local high school bus. Apparently, 2 Saudi students boarded the high school bus -- the problem, they were college students - one dressed in an overcoat. The bus driver responded by reporting the unusual passengers and they were summarily arrested when the bus arrived at the highschool. Perhaps an impromptu fire drill would have been more appropriate when they boarded the bus! They are being held, no bail.

Elsewhere, Drudge reports that Howard Dean and the DNC heavily backed Ray Nagin's opponent in the New Orleans mayoral race. Speaking of race and the party of parity.

Favorite Post from the political forum at, "40113.2. Phony detentions...
by WIMPisaliar, 5/20/06 18:56 ET
Re: Gitmo Suicide staged by Squid8, 5/20/06
...equal phony suicide attempts... "

And the beat goes on.

They are still reporting (on the forum) that Carl Rove will be indicted any minute, the sky is falling and Howard Dean is related to Chicken Little.

Saudi's in overcoats are boarding school buses (Tel Aviv ring any bells?), The DNC is backing the white guy (both RNC and DNC appear to be imploding) and the "masses" are still "clueless" when it comes to reading more than one: newspaper, website and taking it as fact.

No wonder the DaVinci Code does so well here in the states.

Just another manic Monday.

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