Monday, May 08, 2006

Islamic Savages

The recent murder of Iraqi journalist, Atwar Bahjat, is receiving little to no attention within the mainstream media. The 30 year old, Iraqi woman, was brutally murdered for the crime of being a sunni-shite, woman. The entire beheading and humiliation was recorded using a cell phone. There are details at Mudville Gazzette as well as a story in the London Sunday Times, which are brutal and haunting.

It is a reminder to all women, and men, that there truly are religions where a woman is seen more as property; and a woman that exposes herself to those outside of her family deserves death.

That is the religion of peace that one hears so much about.

All all Muslims savages? That is doubtful. However, the vast majority of the radical sects bring new meaning to the word; and those are the peoples that want us to be just like them. They despise our culture because to include, coca-cola, McDonald's, the Muppets, our music, our plays, our television programming, our liberalism and the fact that we have laws in place that protect segments of society they are compelled by their religion to destroy. For example, women running about with heads uncovered and anyone who is homosexual. How does an act that receive no airplay nationally affect the United States one whit?

It is not one act, it is multiple acts and more acts to follow until the Religion of peace is reduced to little more than a Jim Jones Cult, unfortunately, I believe they will follow in the trail of blood and insanity caused by the Irish Republican Army Catholics. It is not a far stretch of the imagination to think that radical cells located within the united states, are not able to kidnap "suzy smith, WACB", lop off her head, and show it via videophone to the nation.

Our prayers are with Ms. Bajhat, a women experiencing freedom in a climate where women are treated as lower than the family dog; she has paid the price.

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