Saturday, July 04, 2009

Barney Frank in GOP’s Sights – Said to Be Bringing In Big Name to Run in the 4th District

Cosy: Barney Frank & Chris Dodd facing challenges in 2010 imgage: PA Pundits

Yesterday, a Massachusetts GOP insider, indicated that the GOP will be bringing in a “big-name” to run against Incumbent Democrat, Barney Frank, in the 4th District 2010 U.S. Congressional race. The source, from Plymouth County, had worked to bring Romney back into Massachusetts for the Governor’s race in 2002. As to the accuracy of the claim (be it wishful thinking or an actual fact), this is the second Mass GOP source to hint that a candidate would emerge to challenge Frank in 2010. Of interest - the GOP has sent literature to certain district members regarding a campaign to defeat Frank – the literature sent named no specific candidate.

If this proves to be the case, it would set up a primary battle between Earl Sholley, a Conservative from Norfolk who has run against Frank in the past, and has substantial grassroots support, and someone from outside the State who has “star power”.

That brings up the question, who in the GOP, on the national stage has the “Star Power” (which would equal donor potential) and the political background (backbone) to take on Frank. It would have to be someone who is a fiscal conservative and one who is somewhat familiar with the Districts main industries – fishing. New Bedford is one of the largest, if not the largest fishing port in the world.

One thing to consider: Speculation: The Mass. GOP has been known to “eat its own”, when it comes to high profile races; therefore, it may be a rumor aimed Mr. Sholley, who often is more “conservative” than most in the State GOP. When Sholley ran against Frank in 2008, he did so without the backing of the State GOP. It is not known, at this time, if Mr. Sholley has the support of the State G.O.P.

The role that Frank has played in the Congress has had a direct impact on the current state of the economy; therefore, this race does have national attention. From this blog, there are daily searches from every state in the Union seeking information on “who” is running against Barney Frank. It goes without saying that Sholley’s early filing with the FEC was done so because of donations received from inside the 4th district, but more importantly, outside the State.

Lastly, one must also look to the power of the GOP, in general, when they have their minds set on removing an incumbent – see Tom Daschle. Could it be that the GOP has finally set their sights on the State of Massachusetts – and will no longer treat the State (and the northeast) like a “red-headed stepchild”? Party Chair, Michael Steele, was last in the Bay State in June – at a fundraiser – the national Party, in the past, has made very few forays into the state, leaving the State GOP to fend off the “blue tide” alone.

Note of interest: There are few to no residency requirements when it comes to U.S. Congressional race.

One thing is certain, the Massachusetts 4th Congressional race will keep all eyes on the Bay State, and with over 50% of the voters in that district “unenrolled”, and Mr. Frank’s popularity questionable, this race should not be assumed “safe Democrat” until all the players at the table have shown their hands.

Friday, July 03, 2009

Sarah Palin Resigns Governorship - “We are not retreating; we are advancing in another direction.”

Sarah Palin on the Campaign Trail - img -

In a move that stunned political observers,
Sarah Palin, former Republican Vice Presidential Candidate and the first female Governor of Alaska, resigned today.
(Video Below) In her announcement she spoke to the repeated Ethics Investigations, brought by Democrats in the State, noting that she was not going to waste further taxpayer money.

Palin is considered a contender for the 2012 Presidential race, along with other prominent Republicans: Mitt Romney, Mike Huckabee and Newt Gingrich. That said; Palin’s move may have been based more on her commitment to principal than any early decision to run in 2012. Palin, a Reagan fiscal conservative, spoke of “positive change outside government”, which could, at this point, mean anything. As to who will actually run in 2012 is anyone's best guess - in 2006, Rudy Guilliani was favored and the press knew nothing of (outside of a few political junkies)Mike Huckabee or thought John McCain would run, yet again.

Palin has been the favorite target of the press as well as “insiders” from the McCain campaign since she was announced as the Vice Presidential nominee in 2008. If one thought that Hillary Clinton was eviscerated by the press for being female (and she was), Palin was and continues to be assaulted for being a high-profile, female, conservative.

David Letterman’s sexists remarks regarding Palin and her family, in June of this year, lost the late show host, sponsors such as the Olive Garden. Letterman’s treatment of Palin, although abhorrent in its blatant sexism, was no worse than most bloggers and/or journalist – one must look hard to find an article that does not use a backhanded remark (femininity) when Palin is the subject.

As to her future ambitions, the governor noted that she would release more information via “Twitter”, a post made at 6:08 pm EST from Palin’s profile suggested reading this statement by Lt. Governor, Sean Parnell (full text here).

I thank Governor Palin for holding fast to these principles during her service. Personally, I thank her for the confidence she’s placed in me, for her trust, and for her friendship. As Alaska celebrates her 50th year of statehood, I believe history will look back on Sarah Palin as one of Alaska’s great gifts to all peoples. You have served honorably, Governor. God bless you.

Sarah Palin may not be any Democrat’s, (or moderate Republican’s) cup of tea, however, she brought energy and enthusiasm and a persona to the conservative movement that equaled the “star power” of Obama – which may explain the vehemence of the written (and verbal) assaults Palin has shouldered since August of 2008.

Iran Update 07 03 2009 – Rafsanjani Removes Himself from Friday Prayers – Nationwide Strike Probable – Outcome of the Conflict - Analysis

Although general interest in the plight of the Iranian’s fighting for freedom has died down in major media outlets in the U.S. over the past week, the news out of Iran has been filtered by the regime, and the state news agency appears to have been the only news source, outside of blogs, social network sites and the European media. That said - events are taking place daily that indicate a regime that is on the brink of extinction rather than one that has crushed a revolt. Twitter is now available for Iranian’s, however, most fear that the Government will locate “protestors” via their ISPs (which has happened), that said, there are several who have been “twitting” from the beginning of the movement, who are still active, and their information, first unconfirmed, proves solid in the end.

Therefore, there are several factors at play this weekend that are indicators that the protest is still strong and, although American’s look for overnight results, it must be remembered that the American Revolution took years, not days or months, before freedom was achieved and a stable government enacted.
Therefore, of interest: A general strike is eminent, this according to the Italian Press Il Giornale :
“The opposition Iranian “We block the Country” Is general strike” (Translated)

Hossein Moussavi not motivating force, the Ayatollah and former president of the parliament Mehdi Karroubi spalleggia and the former reformist president Moammed Khatami returns to put them. Forty-eight hours after the definitive validation of the ballot “prank” the leader of the opposition is less single, except weak person. The return in field of Khatami, from days silent, recompacting itself to the summit of the opposition of the “reformist trinitĂ ” signals that Alì Akbar Rafsanjani, true grey eminence of the crash for the power, continues to put the former 67-year-old prime Minister and its Green Wave. Not to case from yesterday evening the voices of twitter, the blogs and Internet announce a great manifestation in order this evening and an able general strike to block the country from the 5 to the 8 July.

Additionally, Rasfanjani has excused himself from the Friday prayer service.

It has been reported that Rafsanjani, who is one of the Imams that lead Friday Prayers in Tehran's largest mosque, has declined to lead prayers there again. Last week, his spot was first filled by Khomeini, but Khomeini pulled out at the last minute leaving Ahmad Khatami to lead the prayers. Rafsanjani is not planning to attend this Friday's Prayers either.”

Should Khomeini lead the services Friday and should he speak on the protests – it will indicate that all is not well with the Regime.
The Regime is, after all, still facing strong opposition from Mousavi and Karroubi, who are openly defiant of Khomeini - the Times Online article from 2 – July notes that they (Mousavi and Karroubi) are “courting arrest .” The question remains: will Khomeini take the bait?
The tone of the protests has changed from one of a disputed election to one of general removal of the current regime. Therefore, should either Mousavi or Karroubi be placed under arrest by the Ayatollah and his friends from Hezbollah and Hamas, it would lend speed to the protests. Should there be a standoff; the results are much the same.

Therefore, it is worth watching events unfold between the 5th and the 8th (some dates given are much broader): suggestion, read “tweets”, type #IranElection into the search for constant updates; it is obvious from the onset when reading “Tweets” what is taking shape – as a guide, those that are linked with a “tinyurl” to a website that is in Farsi- one is able to translate the page - (it will be a very rough translation)via Google translation. Historical events are taking place now in Iran that could impact the stability of the Middle East for years to come. Should the Iranian Regime be removed in favor of a more secular Republic/Democracy, the funding to Hezbollah and Hamas will be cut from that source, and a return to normal relations with Iran will be possible with the E.U. as well as the U.S. (dependent, of course, on who the current administration supports, and, should the length of time it takes to formulate a new government go beyond 3 years (as it should), how a new administration, depending upon party politics, would react).

Thursday, July 02, 2009

Earl Sholley Files with FEC – Will Challenge Barney Frank for U.S. Congress 2010

Earl Sholley Candidate Challenging Barney Frank - photo: prnews

Earl Henry Sholley’s campaign issued a press release today announcing his candidacy for the Massachusetts 4th Congressional District. Sholley, a Norfolk resident, officially filed with the FEC on June 15. Sholley will run against Democrat incumbent, Barney Frank, of Freddie and Fannie fame.

Sholley has worked as a community activist, lobbied for budget transparency and the better use of tax dollars. He has been a guest on CBS this Morning and National Public Radio. Sholley attended the University of Scranton (BS History), University of Massachusetts and also studied at the University of Madrid Spain. He served in the Peace Corp and is also a veteran of the U.S. Army.

Earl is also is a supporter of term limits for members of the U.S. House and Senate. Earl Henry Sholley will bring his ethical, diverse background, and strong business and fiscal experience to bear for the 4th District. "I promise to serve all the people of the District, if given the honor and opportunity to serve in the U.S. Congress."

Sholley ran against Frank in the 2008 election, although he entered the race late, he managed to garner approximately 30% of the votes in the district.(MA Secretary of State) This time it appears Sholley is taking things seriously, hiring campaign manager, Lisa Camp key figure in the Huckabee campaign and according to his website he has hit the campaign trail early, attending events both in and outside of the State.

The 2010 4th Congressional District race, considering the incumbent’s infamous reputation, should prove to be interesting and one to watch.

Wednesday, July 01, 2009

White House Staff Leaks “Controlled Town Forums” To Press – Helen Thomas Goes Off on Gibbs

At a White House Press Conference Today, Chip Reid of CBS News persisted in asking White House Press Secretary, Gibbs, about the pre-selection of participants in “Town Hall” meetings both now and during the campaign allowed the Obama campaign and White House to “control” the meetings and message. Reid told Gibbs he had received the information from "his staff".

Gibbs refused to answer and called upon Helen Thomas who then ripped into Gibbs: (From:
“The point is the control from here. We have never had that in the White House. And we have had some control but not this control. I mean I'm amazed, I'm amazed at you people who call for openness and transparency and you have controlled…” You Tube Video Below from C-SPAN
It is apparent, from the questions, that this “revelation” of a “controlled message” has taken even die-hard leftist journalists , such as Thomas, by surprise.

Iran Update 7-1-09 - Ahmadinejad Cancels African Summit – Said to have been deemed “Undecidable” by African Nations – National Strike Dates Set

The New York Times has reported that Iranian’s contested president Ahmadinejad, has cancelled a trip to African for an agricultural summit without explanation. The Times piece implies that Mr. Ahdineijad is staying put as the current regime is still attempting to quell the “uprising” of those would prefer Democracy. The reason may be due to the fact that several African Nations attending the summit have branded Mr. Ahmadinejad “undecidable” (a decision problem; mathematically) according to Italian news sources
There have been calls (via Twitter) over the past week for a general strike. Those calls over the past few days have grown, and include dates for a strike that would last several days. Additionally, there is continually gorwing dissension among the ranks of the clerics, which actually began within hours of the June 12 vote. (Excellent treatment of the situation at Qom found here.)
As discussed in this article by the by the Times (UK) there has already been a change in the Iran; with the aggressive dictatorial regime giving no quarter when attempting to quash the protestors, the idea of any form of “Republic” or “Democracy” must be discarded in reference to the same. Comparisons to the Taleban are made as the similiarties are striking . It is with this type of severe suppression coupled with the continuing ability of those fighting to break through h to the world and report events, that indicate the struggle for freedom is far from over.
Should a national strike occur, the economic impact would be significant, effectively creating another difficult “front” for Khomeini and Company to battle. With condemnations of the regime coming from nations around the globe, the chances for a successful “Taleban”style government are limited, at best, given the dedication of the Persians, and the sheer numbers of those ready for change in Iran and willing to die for their freedom.

Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Mass. Gov. Deval Patrick – Tax increases and the 2010 Mass. Budget – Obama follows Patrick’s lead – attempts to exports Massachustts policy nationwid

Deval Patrick and Obama: photo:

Massachusetts Governor, Deval Patrick, signed the new state budget yesterday, which included a 25% increase in the state sales tax – in addition he stated there would be no annual “Sales Tax Holiday” this year. The annual “Tax Holiday” is a boost to retailers and consumers alike, many of whom are now heading to bordering states to make major purchases. Additionally, the Governor will not rule out an increase in the Bay States gasoline tax, which had lost steam in the Democrat controlled legislature after the remaining State taxpayers took exception to having the distinction of being the State with the highest gas taxes.

What does the 27 Billion Dollar 2010 budget consist of? It’s all online at here: at Reading how the State of Massachusetts intends to spend every taxpayer’s last dime is interesting to say the least. The largest percentage of the budget is dedicated to the Department of Health and Human Services, $13 plus billion, which covers covers the ever increasing State’s Universal Health Care plan.
The States Department of Education came in second on the spend meter, and the department of “Independents” is right up there in the 2 billion dollar range. What does the Department of Independents consist of? State Government agencies, including the governor’s office. which received $4,952,643 of discretionary funding. Granted the Governor took a cut this year, down from 5,528,798 in the 2009 budget; that said, does the Governor really need an additional $400,000 for a Washington DC office? Apparently, the Governor, close associate of the President (Obama) feels that unless he has a presence in DC, Massachusetts will not be able to Maximize Federal grants. Seriously.

As taxpaying residents contemplate more than a shopping trip to neighboring states (expect an increase in housing sales in New Hampshire and Connecticut), where will the tax base come from? With the 4th highest corporate tax rate globally, the Bay State is not attractive to most businesses. Now, with the sales tax increase (included increases on hotel fees and meals), visitors might tend to bypass Massachusetts and save a bit of money by going north or south, where vacation packages in this economic climate are competitive. Additionally, an increase in the state’s unemployment rolls have already accounted for a loss in income for the Department of Revenue of 14 %
Patrick, obvious to his unbelievably low approval ratings, decided that the best way to deal with an increasingly belligerent and declining tax base was to talk about the upside of paying more taxes!

Unfortunately, for those still left in Massachusetts, once the State is done fleecing one’s wallet, the Federal Government will kick in. Barack Obama, taking a cue from Deval Patrick on health care, has declined to rule out taxing health care benefits!.

Cap and Trade, the energy bill that has gone through the Democrat Congress, unread as usual, at the speed of light, is in the Senate, where the Obama administration hopes to saddle the American people with a federal government program modeled on regulations in place in California. Unless one has lived under a rock for the past 30 years, California or Massachusetts are the last States in this Union, any sitting President would care to use as a model for Federal Programs and Spending – yet – that is exactly what is taking place.

Once Massachusetts and California health and energy programs are installed nationwide (“Yes we can”), where can the populace flee to avoid a decent into abject poverty at the hands of the greedy Federal government? To the polling booths, en mass – One can only truly appreciate what this administration is thinking by following Obama updates on Twitter:

@whitehouse WH Facebook page exclusive: President Obama backstage before ordering Colbert’s head-shave

This from the “Leader” of the Free World.
Another Obama Twitter site (unofficial), attached to a site which offers official press briefings, and such can be found here: on Twitter
During the crisis in Iran and the developing fight for constitutional freedom in Honduras, this Tweeter site offers gems to those who follow Obama: Photographs of Obama’s variety of expressions!

Photo: Distant Reflection Window opens to reveal Obama

Bay Stater’s can rest assured that their own Governor has either followed or been followed by (hard to tell) the President, with his on Twitter site: here.


Monday, June 29, 2009

6-30-09 Iran Update: Nationwide Strike Looms, Large Sums of Cash Leaving Iran, EU Threatens To Pull Ambassadors

TheEuropean Union is threatening to pull all of their Ambassadors out of Iran unless the Iranian Government releases those UK embassy staff that have been accused of taking part in the protests.

As protests have continued in Iran, Twitter’s from Iran are reported that when the General Counsel ruled the election fair, people took to the streets in protest. The shouts of Allah Akbar were said to have been so loud, it was difficult to hear. Additionally, telephone and internet services were out in many parts of Tehran today and there is a call for a national strike tomorrow.

Should the nation protest and stay home, that would spell disaster for the regime. For the last week Twitters have noted that large sums of money have been leaving Iran since the protests over the election began. An article regarding the current situation with Iran’s Stock Exchange and economic realities based on abusing the populace, and money leaving the country points to a change in regime:

Perhaps even more damning for the regime is where the money is leaving from. By amounts of up to $10 million at a time, it is the Islamic elite that are withdrawing their money. Clearly this shows that even within the Islamic elite, there is a belief that the current situation has reached a point where significant change is unavoidable.

The fact that currency is leaving the country has been confirmed by the New York Times, crediting sources in Europe. The entire world is aware of what is happenning to the people of Iran - especially when conservative (sources) left-leaning, New York Times jumps on board.
Significant Change is unavoidable: Free Iran

Honduras in Turmoil – The Rejection of Socialism – Obama and Chavez Condemn Move to Exile Leftist President

Honduran President, Manuel Zelaya, was forcibly removed from office on Sunday, following his constitutionally illegal bid to prolong his tenure.. Zelaya, who is closely aligned with Venezuela’s Chavez, was limited to a 4 year term in office under the Honduran constitution. He then pushed for a “poll” to allow him to run for re-election – and that is when he ended up on a plan to Costa Rica, courtesy of the Honduran military.

Now, he is crying foul – however, prior to his removal, he had fired a high ranking military officer, Romeo Vasquez, for refusing to participate in an “unofficial poll” that would extend his term. That move put events into action, he was summarily removed from office and, Roberto Micheletti, the Congress Speaker, took the reins of government as Interim President (similar in scope to the U.S. constitution: Speaker of the House Pelosi would be President should Obama and then Biden be unable to serve) once Zelaya was exiled. Micheletti has noted that elections will take place as scheduled in the fall.

What this amounted to was an attempted coup (extending the presidential term to “indefinite” – see Chavez), thwarted by another coup. Pro Zelaya protests amount to several thousand people (2,000) taking a stand at the Presidential Palace, however, the country has a population approaching 7 million, and a good percentage apparently felt stability was a better choice.

Now the powers that be are weighing in: Chavezthe Venezuelan President for life (i.e.: dictator) has threatened military action against the nation of Honduras for legally following their constitution. He’s not alone: Barack Obama issued a statement of “deep concern”, (for the ousted leftist) and the United Nation’s has issued a strongly worded condemnation of the removal of Zelaya.

In the grand scheme of things taking place today in the world, there appears to be a general disdain for the tenants of socialist societies that are tyrannical in nature and have elected officials that are seated for life. How worrisome it must be to those who currently hold such power, or hope to hold such power, that these uprisings prevail: Should the Iranians succeed in ousting the current regime and place a more moderate, secular and democratic government in its staid – and Honduras, where the government in abiding by a constitution, oust a leader that was heading down the Chavez path, succeed in holding elections and maintaining the status quo. Worrisome because these instances may become more commonplace, and those leaders like Chavez and those who emulate him, may find them out of a job.

Sunday, June 28, 2009

Mehdi Karroubi At Protests Today – Rafsanjani Breaks Silence - Khomeni's Undoing?

Mehdi Karroubi, Iranian cleric, politician and 2009 presidential candidate, walked with protestors today in Tehran. (See Video) This past week Karroubi and Mousavi refused an offer from Guardian Counsel (Iranian body that oversees the elections) of a partial recount.
Karroubi, a reformist, was responsible for bringing the social networking website, FaceBook, to the Iranian people, using that website as part of his campaign. Facebook has previously been banned in Iran.

Additionally, Rafsanjani, who has the power to remove Khomeinifinally spoke today regarding the violence in Iran. CNN World:

After more than two weeks of silence amid Iran's violent election fallout, former President Ali Akbar Hashemi Rafsanjani -- a key Iranian cleric -- emerged Sunday to call out "suspicious sources" who are creating a rift between the public and the Islamic government.

He called the aftermath of the June 12 presidential election "a tangled mess, perpetrated by suspicious sources whose objectives are to create differences and separations between the people and the system and eroding the trust of the people in the Islamic system," the Iranian Labor News Agency reported Sunday.

8:00 p.m. Twitter: There are several reports (unconfirmed) on Twitter and FaceBook noting that Mousavi was arrested at his home tonight at 9:30. The backlash from such a move, which would be in keeping with the regimes pattern of arrest, torture and execution, would undoubtedly bring a quick end to the already troubled regime.

Recent “Tweets”:

"Mr.Mousavi, Sea of Green has become a symbol of courage and freedom, it is not only about a vote anymore."

"Karoubi was thr in person & Mousavi stuck in traffic but hrd him through his cellphone & loudspeakers"

"why BBC & CNN reporting things like it's all over now? how can it be over after what gov done to us?"

Iran Update 06-28-09 – Protests Continue In Iran – CNN Reports - Power Struggle Developing within Regime.

From Twitter. The quest for freedom continues today From Twitter “Tweets” there is a determination and defiance that democracy and freedom will be Iran's futher. From CNN (report below) - , a power struggle is developing within the Regime. Additionally, the mother of those who were taken in the violence against peaceful demonstrators, held a protest today in Tehran – that video is below as well. It is the women and the youth of Iran that have stood up to the Tyrannical Regime of the Ayatollahs and his henchmen Ahmadinejad, and his mercenaries from Hezbollah and Hamas. Free Iran.

This video below uploaded today by Rally Attendee in Tehran

The video below – June 28 Iranians rally at Ghoba Mosque (also spelled Qoba) on Shariati Street, Tehran
Mothers of those killed and the prisoners arrested in protest.